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COVID-19 vaccine

Vaccine Provider Grants Available

Grants available for COVID-19 vaccine providers

Vaccine providers do the important work of keeping our communities safe and healthy, and the ongoing COVID-19 response can be costly. To help offset COVID-19-related expenses, Immunize Nevada is offering COVID-19 vaccine providers grants on a rolling basis.

What grants are available to COVID-19 vaccine providers?

The Mini Grant can be used to reimburse a variety of expenses related to COVID-19 vaccination, including:

Vaccinating your child against COVID-19 is an act love

As parents, one of our most important jobs is keeping our children safe and healthy. It’s the reason we put them in car seats, bike helmets and life jackets. It’s the reason we nag them to brush their teeth and to eat more vegetables. And it’s the reason we vaccinate them. As pediatricians, our most important job is providing families with the information and tools to help them care for their kids — it’s the cause we’ve dedicated our careers to.

Reflecting a continued commitment to accessibility, Live Chat added to

Delivering lifesaving information to a broad audience — like the entire state of Nevada — needs to happen with as few barriers to access as possible. That’s why live chat support was recently added to, Nevada’s statewide COVID-19 vaccine information and appointment scheduling hub. The effort was a collaboration between Immunize Nevada and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health.

The COVID-19 Vaccine and Allergies

As a food allergy advocate and parent of two children with food allergies, my mantra is "scrutinize every morsel of food, beverage or medication" that will enter your body. Living with food allergies requires Sherlock Holmes-like skill in keeping allergens out of the body. This means that as the COVID-19 vaccination becomes more available, people managing or caring for those who have food allergies need to apply their super-sleuthing abilities to confirm the vaccination's safety.

Good News