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Reno 5+ COVID-19/Flu/Shingles/Pneumonia/RSV Vaccine Clinic

Friday, January 12th | 09:30am -12:30pm | COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, Flu Vaccine Clinic, Shingles, Pneumonia, RSV

Washoe County Senior Services

1155 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512

COVID-19, Flu, Routine Vaccines (Shingles, RSV, Pneumonia)

Partnering Organizations Names: Washoe County Senior Services, Safeway

Shingles, Pneumonia, and RSV vaccines will be administered to those whose insurance covers the cost of those vaccines.

Reno 5+ COVID-19/Flu/Shingles/Pneumonia/RSV Vaccine Clinic

1155 E. 9th Street, Reno, NV, 89512